Have you unintentionally erased a Facebook post and wish to get it back? This is how…

Ever wish you could get a Facebook post back after you accidentally erased it? Perhaps you removed it by mistake. Or perhaps you simply intended to clean up your feed but are now second-guessing your decision?

Don’t worry if this has happened to you; Facebook has made it simple to recover deleted posts, and we’ll show you how to do it in this guide.

What Happens When You Delete a Facebook Post?

On Facebook, when you remove a post, it doesn’t immediately vanish from the site. Instead, it’s been transferred to the Trash hidden folder. For 30 days, Facebook holds onto posts in the Trash before permanently deleting them.

This means that you have up to 30 days to recover a post if you accidently delete it or decide not to delete it after all. But after the 30-day period has passed, the post will be permanently deleted, and you won’t be able to get it back.

How to Recover Deleted Facebook Posts From Your Trash Folder

Posts in the trash folder can be recovered using any device of your choice.

How to Retrieve Deleted Facebook Posts on the App

Use these steps if you’re using the Facebook app:

  1. your smartphone’s Facebook app should now be running.
  2. Enter your profile’s location.
  3. To view profile options, tap the three-dot ellipsis icon.
  4. Choose Archive.
  5. On the Archive page, click Trash.
  6. Tap the ellipsis next to the post you wish to retrieve after finding it.
  7. Make the choice Restore to profile.

This will allow you to restore the post.

How to Recover Deleted Posts on the Facebook Website

Although the icon arrangement may vary somewhat, the procedure for retrieving deleted posts on the Facebook website is similar to that of the Android app.

  1. Open a browser and navigate to Facebook.com.
  2. Check out your profile.
  3. Archive can be chosen by clicking the ellipsis symbol.
  4. Trash can is located on the left sidebar.
  5. Select Restore to profile after locating the post you wish to recover and clicking the ellipsis next to it.

The Difference Between Deleting and Archiving a Facebook Post

The distinction between deleting and archiving a Facebook post must be understood. A Facebook post that has been deleted is transferred from your profile page to your trash bin, where it remains for 30 days before being permanently destroyed.

When you archive a Facebook post, it is taken off your profile page and placed in your archive folder, where it remains until you either unarchive it or remove it. The detailed operation of the archive feature is covered in our article on how to archive Facebook posts.

Can’t Find Your Post in the Trash Folder?

As it turns out, not all deleted posts are placed in the Trash folder. An individual photo can be permanently deleted without going into the Trash folder. It is not known why this is the case.

Consider the scenario where you submitted a collection of seven images to your profile and then removed the fourth image. The fourth image will permanently vanish without going into the Trash folder. However, deleting the entire post—which includes all seven photos—would result in the post being moved to the Trash folder.

It has been there for more than 30 days, which is another frequent reason why you might not be able to find a post in the Trash folder. Posts in the Trash bin on Facebook are permanently removed .If you’re looking for a deleted post that was made more than 30 days ago, it won’t be there.

Should You Delete or Archive Facebook Posts?

The answer to this question depends on the primary reason you are deleting the post. Archiving may be the best choice if you’re merely attempting to clean up your feed. However, deleting a post is preferable if you’re looking to do so permanently.

Consider preserving a post if you’re not sure whether to remove it or keep it. That way, if you decide you want it later on, you can always get it back.

By Bodla

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